Tuesday, May 27, 2008


A dream is the experience of envisioned images, sounds, or other sensations during sleep. I get a lot of dreams and they are like watching a movie at night. Some of them make sense, some don't. People say that I get so many dreams because I think a lot. Is it so? Does that make me see dreams? A friend says we get dreams because they carry some message. Again the question, is it so? Do we start to believe that if I see something in my dream, I should try to interpret the message? Well, in that case I will go mad. I will be Lost in Interpreting. :D

But I do believe that dreaming while sleeping and remembering them means that the mind is still working. Its not at peace. There are people who believe that seeing some particular thing in dream means something. Eg. - seeing water means you are going to die soon. Is that true? I also experience Deja Vou often. I have special powers. ;)

For more - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dream

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